Friday, December 11, 2020

Prophecy Top 5 for 2020 and 2021


I'll say it again ... There is a reason nobody is hearing about CANADA in the world news.

Ping tracing on our phones is HERE! The distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine is here. The Canadian Armed Forces are on the streets to make sure we ALL "volunteer". Gobs of money from the WHO, LGBTQ, and European economic communities/organizations are being given to our Federal Government. We keep quiet, they save our economy. Yet, when was the last time you heard anything about Canada mentioned in the news? Even by reputable and dedicated Bible Prophecy/World Event ministries like Olive Tree, Behold Israel, JD Farag? And I have barely mentioned the tip of the iceberg of Canada's shenanigans or where all these threads are leading. Maybe you don't want to know. Many times I wish I didn't.

From a Christian-Canadian perspective ... 

We have no large or Canada-wide online ministries and most of our local, mega-churches gave up on teaching sound doctrine and Bible Prophecy years ago in favor of the  Seeker Sensitive movement. That leaves only small, local congregations, a few smaller Canadian online ministries, and a handful of bloggers, like myself. And my readers went from hundreds per post to 12-17 people the moment I declared we were in the End Times.

 If you are a fellow Canadian you need to WAKE UP and rouse yourself. If you are from another country, please pray for us. Most non-Christians are afraid and puzzled, the Believers are asleep and everyone is isolated as COVID-19 numbers soar and the death toll is now at 10% of those who test positive. And forty-million people just blindly accept whatever they are told by our government and news media. We are the guinea pigs to see how YOUR country will react.

 You don't necessarily need to read my blog more or watch more news, but you DO need to be spending more time alone with Jesus and reading your Bible. Every single day. He will speak to you directly but you have to commit yourself to listening. Or at least care enough to try to listen.

I have been watching several ministries systematically being wiped away from social media particularly over the past couple of months. I continue to urge you to go to their websites directly and register, get their apps, and sign up for newsletters if they have them. My blogs have a " Follow by Email" option (right column). But don't depend on those things either. You need to check back regularly on all your favorite websites if you still want to know what they are doing. On several of my more "juicy" posts, the ones that might not be favorably received by the powers that be, I will not use tags, not promote the post on social media, and purposely misspell certain words. For example, Ministries I may write as "mini trees".

I just watched a video from Olive Tree "mini trees" where Jan Markell gave what she believes were the top 10 Prophetic Events of 2020. Things are a bit different here in Canada, but I'm going to hit you with what I believe are the Top 5 prophetic events foretold in the Bible that have been fulfilled before our eyes and have had a serious impact on the world and Canada specifically. And also the Top 5 things to watch for in 2021.

Top 5 Prophetic Events Fulfilled in 2020

(Is there any doubt to number one?)

1. COVID-19

It went from "that disease in China" to shutting down the whole world, from its borders to it's everyday life, in only three days.

2. Peace in the Middle East between Israel and it's neighbors. 

With the Trump brokered, historic Abraham Accords leading the way and continuing with the very recent deal between Israel and Morocco and many others as well.

3. "Itching Ears" Preaching.

Sound Biblical doctrine, Bible Prophecy and Bible reading has been abandoned in churches in favor of telling people only the things their "itching ears" want to hear.

4. The great "Reset". 

Worldwide agendas being fervently put into play to set the stage for the coming One World Government which will be ruled by the anti-Christ. Whether it's the World Health Organization (WHO), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ), the World Economic Forum, United Nations, the Illuminati, Prince Charles, or a myriad of other leaders, organizations, and celebrities. They all want the same one world, cashless system and they don't care how they get it.

5. Persecution of Jews and Christians.

This has been steadily growing throughout the years but 2020 saw a massive, exponential leap in churches being shut down, Ministers and their congregations arrested, churches, Christian stores, and homes set on fire (in the west), and people just plain out murdered in mostly Muslim countries in the middle east and Africa.

And how many of you have heard much, if anything, about it? This leads me to number 6. (Call it an [dis] honorable mention)

6. The Truth twisted or suppressed.

Primarily by the Government and News media. I think we've grown accustomed to politicians lying to us, but this is a case of all levels of Government and the mainstream news media purposely lying to us about the same thing in order to purposely deceive the general public and lull us into complacency. And they've done it very well. It is mainly to bring about the One World, new order mentioned in number 5.

(The above list is by no means conclusive or extensive. You'll have to come back another time to get more specific details)

Top 5 Prophetic Events to Watch for in 2021 (and are imminent)

(Is there any doubt to number one?)


In the "twinkling of an eye" all Christians who love Jesus and are believing in Him alone for their salvation and have made Him the Lord of their life will suddenly disappear. Poof!

Including all babies (in and out of the womb) and small children.

2. Invasion of Israel by a coalition of Russia, Turkey, Iran, and their buddies. aka. The Ezekiel 38 Invasion.

This invasion will be primarily for economic reasons and to plunder Israel's vast wealth and resources. But God will miraculously save Israel without it doing anything to rescue itself to make it clear to the entire world that the Jews are God's chosen people and God is STILL Almighty God.

3. Damascus uninhabitable.

The Bible is not clear how this will be brought about, only that it will be thorough. Something will happen to the city of Damascus that will render it desolate and nobody will be able to live there anymore.

4. Lawlessness and Economic problems.

The anti-Christ must be accepted unconditionally and heralded as the world savior. Therefore people must be sick, tired, afraid, hungry, and desperate. So the problems of COVID-19 and the madness/anarchy of the Black Lives Matter movement are just the very beginning to get the ball rolling and everyone in the right mood to accept and worship satan.

5. Creation (the earth) Groaning with Labor Pains.

The earth saw an exponential rise in natural disasters in 2020. (Again, did you hear much about that in the mainstream media? Nope!)

The Bible equates this to "birth pains" like a woman about to give birth. The closer you get to the delivery the more intense and frequent they become. Global warming is a construct to bring about the One-World government, but in 2021 there will be earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, tornadoes, and hurricanes in more record numbers. Not to mention freak occurrences like locusts, and sudden animal/bug population bursts causing plagues and pestilence.

6. ([dis] honorable mention). Let's not forget those ever-pesky "wars and rumors of wars" that must take place. (Matthew 24:6)

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

Wow! Those are short but very intense lists and we aren't even in the Tribulation period yet. But this is a good place to stop this rather lengthy blog post because you notice Jesus tells us in that quote to not let those things alarm us, which on the surface sounds like a crazy statement. I've always thought so. Shouldn't Jesus have said, "But there is no need to worry because it's never going to happen!"? Not tell us don't fret because they are inevitable. But now that I am here I understand it.

As I read my Top 5 lists and consider all the other events of these End Times I am not alarmed or worried or fretting. As I watch the events foretold in the Bible play out in front of me I am more sure than ever before that the Bible is true and God never lies. And if all these hard things are true then I can also trust God to fulfill all the wonderful things too. More than 1000 pages filled with God's promises made to me and you. Some too wonderful and amazing for me to even imagine. Creating joy that is "unspeakable".

Jesus has written all these things down so I won't be afraid because He loves me and delights in me and is longing to be with me. He tells me I will not endure any of His wrath, He will sustain me through any hardship, is preparing a mansion for me and is coming back to rescue me. I don't hope it's true, I know it's true. 

If you don't know for sure, why don't you? It's not like you can't hear about Jesus in many places and from many people or can't gain access to a free Bible through dozens of Bible apps. If you want to live afraid and lonely, then continue to ignore Jesus. Ignore His promises. Ignore His Book. I'm tired. Tired of holding peoples' hands and begging them to read the Bible when I could be holding His hands and spending my time listening to Jesus tell me all about my life to come in His " new heaven and new earth". I won't "bother" you anymore. 

At least, not until the weekend is over.

Speaking the (sometimes harsh) truth with love,

Always, Laura-Lee 

* NOTE: Sharing a link does not mean I agree with every statement or belief they hold. Please continue to exercise your own discernment and caution.

LINK Back to the Bible Canada  (faithfully serving CANADA for years)

LINK Jan Markell YouTube Top Prophetic Events 2020



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