Thursday, March 25, 2021

Holocaust Comparable War Crimes in Canada

 Last night I was in a LIVE international meeting put on by the World Prayer Network on Facebook and they were discussing Israel and COVID-19 Vaccines, as is everybody.

They talked about Israelis being constantly tracked through cell phones, bracelets, and anklets, having their medical information shared without a person's consent, congregations closed, massive widespread lockdowns, and being forcibly quarantined in old hotels.

These things are happening in Israel and everyone was HORRIFIED and called them "WAR CRIMES" and said it was "worse than the Holocaust"! A lawsuit has been filed against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in the International Criminal Courts in The Hague (Europe) because according to the Nuremberg Declaration these are very clearly "Crimes Against Humanity". 

The problem is ALL of them are currently happening in CANADA too, but the outside world doesn't know that and most Canadians don't even realize how AWFUL this is. We seem to be just accepting it all with very little fuss. I believe in being polite too but this has left my jaw on the floor. I'm sharing and posting EVERY day for people to notice but not only being ignored but avoided. 

I LOVE CANADA and if she is going down I want to know I didn't surrender her without a fight.

Any suggestions? Does anyone else feel like I do?

Do I need to say it again? Okay.

You need to get a Bible and actually read it and pray in quiet and LISTEN to what God is telling you. I have been holding back the really bad stuff still to come. If you don't have a solid relationship with Jesus what is about to happen will trample you completely.

Speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

LINK World Prayer Network

Video about conditions in a Quarantined Hotel. Keep in mind that all mainstream news in Canada is pro-Liberal, left-wing and does NOT openly go against anything the Trudeau government does. It affects everything they say (and do not say).

LINK Quarantine Hotels Youtube video

The odd thing about this debate in the  House of Commo is that the Conservative member is saying people "aren't safe" in these hotels and our Deputy Prime Minister is arguing that they will make "obligatory hotel stays" even stricter. They are arguing but their reasoning is all over the place when it comes to the topic as a civil liberties issue. It's utter madness! Keep in mind, these are the people with the POWER over us. Do you trust them with your life?

LINK Youtube Quarantine Hotels debated HOC

LINK Rebel News Canada

LINK Rebel News RE Conservative Convention results

 "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12) 

The first Bible verse I was forced to memorize. It made no sense to me at the time and was sung to the most annoying tune known to mankind. Which is probably why I remember it 45 years later!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Spirit of anti-Christ NOW in Canada


We have to take our stand against Satan here and now, because we will have to answer to Jesus face to face very shortly. I can't make it any plainer than that.

We are in the Final Days of the earth according to Bible Prophecy. The world is in chaos, crisis and lawlessness as never before in the history of our planet. We have reached the point of no return.  The stage is set for a one-world government, one-world religion, and one-world economy just as Jesus told us ahead of time in the Bible.

Here's your choice (and it's the same one mankind has always had): Satan or Jesus. Take your pick, but you must decide because we have simply run out of time.

I have the links to two websites. One is for Canada and the other is for my province of Alberta. They each have a petition to ask for those two governments to OPEN CHURCHES by Easter.

There are many issues and deeper laws involved, but I am keeping it simple for you for now. Just start with basic obedience to what Jesus asks us to do in the Bible; to gather together. You can sign the online petition as an individual or as a church representative, but you need to do something.

Canada is not mentioned in Bible prophecy and in a way Jesus is allowing us to decide what our role in these days will be. But the choice is upon you.

This I know, you will sleep better having taken a stand against evil and doing the basic act of letting your voice be heard. Haven't the "bad-guys" bullied us into silence long enough?!

You don't need to take my word for it. Take this to the Lord in prayer. Open your Bible and read it and Jesus will pour his Holy Spirit into you and tell you directly.

This is my on-going prayer for you as I continue to 

Speak the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

LINK Open Alberta Churches Petition and Info

LINK Petition from Liberty Coalition of Canada

LINK Rebel Alliance News Media

LINK Rebel News at Youtube

LINK Rebel News (CANADA)

These LINKS are all you need to get you started to hunt down the truth. 

I will continue to tie together my decades of Bible study and watching World Events, but you need to speak to the Lord directly. PLEASE do this because He could come back at any moment and you need to be ready.

LINK First satanic black mass held in Canada by Global News  August 2019 in Ottawa. We slept through that too and look where it has brought us less than TWO YEARS LATER!

I will spare you this link but I got this picture from the article "Welcome to Canada" from the Satanic Temple website.

Do I have your attention yet?!

Let me finish with what the Lord Jesus has to say about these things.

"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." (Revelation 12:11)

Monday, March 22, 2021

Final Days Watch: Week Beginning March 22, 2021



They got even worse when the new administration hit the White House because they knew how weak they are. But because they are SO horrible the US, UK and several allies had very little choice but to put up economic sanctions.

China is involved in a massive genocide, about to take over Taiwan, and is mobilizing its massive military. 

Please keep in mind that there are more than 100 million Christians in China (by conservative estimates) and growing in number. Evangelical Christianity is the fastest growing religion in spite of the fact it is underground, persecuted and it is inevitable that every Chinese person who gives their life to Jesus will spend time in prison and tortured for this choice.

Even the general public faces widespread poverty, are constantly watched by cameras and cannot even have a child without Government permission. If you get pregnant without permission, you are forced to have an abortion and no couple is sanctioned to have more than two children under any circumstances.

But remember the Chinese people are not our enemies. It is the communist leaders who are doing this to their own people and messages from within China are from citizens begging the rest of the world to notice and take a stand.

Follow the Links below to get a basic, bigger picture.

Bob Fu is a Chinese minister who escaped from China (when his wife became illegally pregnant) and runs China aid. He is useful to show us what life is really like there.

LINK Bob Fu China Aid

The article about the rise of Christianity is from the Economist NOT a Christian site.

LINK The Economist Growing Protestant Religion in China

Sky News (from Australia) will give you a short story on the basics about the sanctions as they currently are.

LINK China Sanctions: Sky News at Youtube

Please continue to watch for my previous items listed each week in the Final Days Watch feature, because they are ALL still in play. They WILL happen because they are in the Bible.

Also, Share this if you can, while you can and "Follow by Email" (in right column) if you wish to be notified of future blog posts.

Let me conclude by saying, again, you need to get a paper, hardcopy Bible because they will soon be deleted from computer apps and burned when the World Economic Forum takes over with its one world government and "The Great Reset" in the next year or so.

Remember that God has told us all this ahead of time so that we will be prepared and not scared. I remain excited  and longing to see Jesus' return to "snatch me up" along with several hundreds of millions of my fellow Christians who love God. The door is about to be shut so you need to get on the "Ark" while you still can.

"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." (Matthew 24:37)

LINK Story of Noah's Ark beginning in Genesis 6

Speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

 "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." (Romans 10:9-10)

Please use EXTREME caution and discernment when following links. Many of them are non-Christian and direct from the "enemy's camp". LLR

This is cute but don't base your (LACK OF) faith in God and the Bible based on Children's wallpaper or cartoons. FIND THE TRUTH!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Final Days Watch: week Beginning March 15, 2021


NOTE: FYI. Although this post stands alone I began it at my blog  The Bible and The Biz  .

I was watching an interview with the great Bible teacher, David Jeremiah, about what life will be like for people who become believers during the Tribulation. He was talking about how the anti-Christ will persecute them and hunt them to kill them. Then he said that a huge majority of them won't die from being beheaded (as the Bible says) but because they will starve to death because they will be unable to buy or sell without the mark of the beast (which the Bible does NOT say). He referred to it as "covert persecution". 

My first thought was, "Hey. I never thought of that before. Trust Dr. Jeremiah to think of something that ... Wait a minute!" At that moment I realized that the Holy Spirit was sounding a warning bell. When I paused to ask the Lord what it was about I got, "That's just his assumption. What does my word say?"

I was instantly hit with how the Lord supplied food for the Hebrews by giving them manna and meat in the wilderness, how He promises to do the same for Jews during the Tribulation, how  Psalm 37:25 says "I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread." Or how about, "Give us this day our daily bread."

 There are so many stories and promises in the Bible (Old and New testaments) that talk about God miraculously sustaining and supplying the daily needs of His children. Even keeping their clothes from wearing out. But Dr. Jeremiah thinks God will let His End Times saints starve to death. I don't think so.

I am not the only Christian bracing for impact with the Word of God.

I don't think David Jeremiah was attempting to deceive or mislead anyone, he just went off course. He is wrong according to what the Bible states. In fact, I suspect by now the Lord has had David Jeremiah run into the same Bible examples He gave to me as well. 

This past week I have been confronted time and time AND TIME again about Deception being prevalent in the Final Days. One of the main reasons God tells us events in advance is to combat deception. 

 "Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:5)

But satan is not going to show up and say, "Hi. It's me the devil. I've come to lie to you, lead you into bondage and ultimately destroy you." Even though that is exactly what will happen.

 But I'm going to say it again, even if I am boring and annoying those of you (especially in spoiled, self-absorbed western culture) who feel I am being the ultimate Party-Pooper. But occasional Bible reading, and praying just won't "cut it" in these End Times. We are in serious peril, chaos, and evil is at every turn and deception too. The closer we get to the End the more people will be deceived. And in this case, to be deceived means by satan and no less than your lives and eternal souls are on the line. But no "biggie", right? 

However, if you are DAILY reading the Bible and taking time to be alone and quiet with Jesus, to give your requests, and to listen to the Lord then it will protect and galvanize you against deception. A one-two punch against deception. The kind of deception from without and within. 

It's also your deliverance from confusion. When people come to me with all sorts of questions about End Times events it's almost 100% because they haven't read a certain part of the Bible and is curable by me sending them to Bible verses they haven't read yet. It's NOT that they aren't smart enough to understand or interpret the Bible, it's just that they are missing something they haven't read yet.

Also, the Bible is your great comfort. Filled with wonderful promises, revealing God's nature and character and words of deep love and delight. You are His beloved child and He wants to speak these words of love to you directly. There is literally nothing in your life more important than the Bible and your relationship with Jesus.

And as World events continue to come at breakneck speed and intensity you simply will be unable to stand and endure without your life, soul, and spirit saturated with God's word. 

I know you are weary with COVID-19 and all its related problems. It has gone on so long. But as we mark the first anniversary of the worldwide closing of our borders let me whisper something in your ear.

" You 'ain't seen nothin' yet" 🤫 🥺

Whether you want to hear it or not, that is directly from the Bible and I made you the promise to ...

Speak the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee 


Okay. Okay. I'll take it easy on you Dr. Jeremiah. You can put your hands down now.

Friday, March 12, 2021

This Insane World Simply Explained

 I am not exaggerating. I (and other Christians) knew this was coming because the Bible said so thousands of years ago. But now that it is here EVERYONE else is talking about it but with no clue how to undo the damage.

LGBTQ has literally erased the notion of gender around the world, the World Economic Forum wants it's "Great Reset", the World Health Organization, the UN, G7, Climate Change, Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police and Woke movements are ALL fronts for communism and they all want one thing: a One World Government and a cashless society under ONE Dictator. There will be no individual countries anymore and "you will own nothing and be happy". They hide nothing and it will all happen in the next year or two. Maybe sooner. 

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been backed by all these groups long BEFORE he was our Prime Minister and he and his pals have been quietly changing things in the background all this time. Listen to ANY speech he gives or statement  he makes and he is constantly mentioning all these groups and always has their representatives present. He uses their slogans like "build back better" and their terms like "The Great Reset". 

Haven't you ever stopped to wonder why we are sending gobs of money to buy vaccinations for OTHER countries when less than one million of the forty million Canadians have been vaccinated? I wonder what they promised him to make him sell out his country of forty million Canadians? If he thinks he will be one of the top leaders of the "New World Order" he has never heard the saying, "The first rule of assassination? Kill the assassin." The moment he is no longer needed he will be eliminated. 

And this past year, the communist agenda and push to set up this one world government/one world economy/one world religion happened while we Christians have all been preoccupied with COVID-19 and complaining about having to wear a mask and wash our hands.


What I never saw coming was the HUGE role gay rights has played and behind a smoke screen of "gender equality" everyone else was stripped of their legal rights.

All religious freedom and all women's rights have been abolished through this back door by redefining what a woman or man is because gender is now legally "fluid". And it has NOTHING to do with what you are biologically only what gender you feel you are on any given day.

When I started watching world events forty years ago you couldn't change your gender. You were either born male or female. There was no third option. Now all a biological man has to do is say he "feels" like a woman and he has a LEGAL right to walk into any WOMAN'S locker room, washroom, rape shelter, and [fill in the blank]. 

And if you think these things will occur only in extreme cases you are wrong again. They are already stacking up in the courts in massive amounts because there continues to be a powerful agenda behind these movements. The feminists, liberal Christians and everyday  John and Jane Public are stunned into silence because there is no recourse (legal or otherwise) to change things back. And every time a Christian spoke up against what the LGBTQ was doing we were called "homophobic hate-mongers" and were legally or literally beaten into silence.

In a way I feel sorry for the non-Christians. It's a sad day when people have to admit the Christians they have hated for so long ... were right.

Do I have your attention yet?! 

Many Australians and Americans FINALLY get it, but I want to know where my fellow Canadians stand. Do you know? Do you care? Are you awake? Is anybody out there?

Because all I hear are the sounds of silence.

"Fools", said I, "You do not know.

Silence like a cancer grows.

Hear my words that I might teach you.

Take my arms that I might reach you.

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed

In the wells of silence."

  (By Paul Simon)

Speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

Very interesting article from back in 2013 about Fundamental Christianity's role in Canadian Politics. It's short and simple. (Just like me.)

LINK CBC News. Faith in Canadian Politics

A summary of what Trudeau has been up to during the new Biden administration. 

LINK TRUDEAU meet the press

Do I have your attention yet? Stay tuned. 🤨

* I am being shadow banned on Social Media. If you think others might want to read this, please share it.

If you wish to know about future posts, use "Follow by Email" in the right column. Thank you. LL

Monday, March 8, 2021

Final Days Watch: week beginning March 8, 2021

This week is a shorter post, but oh so important!

It took me hours and HOURS of digging to discover this. Watching America start to implode in only a few weeks under Biden and the American people rise up against the evil "Equality Act",  I was wondering, 

"What is Canada up to law-wise regarding LGBTQ Agendas?" 

Prime Minister Trudeau is HUGELY Pro and Proactive LGBTQ and was WAY before we even elected him to lead us.

I found lots of hidden and covert laws already quietly passed and more to come which I won't get into here and now, but Bill C-6 is by far the worst. Evil at an almost unbelievable level but it has stalled (basically because it is so ridiculous and will destroy so much) and CAN STILL BE STOPPED!


If you are like me, you are tired of just "watching" and want to DO something but are feeling, alone, overwhelmed, and not sure where to start. Let me help.

Here's an article that explains the basics of Bill C-6, the extreme and widespread harm it will cause, and the Links needed to locate and send a letter to your MP. I admit it felt good to make my voice heard and do something as simple as speak up for what I believe, my family (past and present), not deny Jesus, and refuse to shut up just because someone else tells me to.

LINK Light at the End of the Transgender Chaos

I hope this encourages you too and simultaneously starts a fire in you but brings you peace and rest.

And as we are watching this week, remember to watch for Jesus in the clouds and the sky.  Because of my disability and the need for a walker I am bent over looking down wherever I go. I realized that my physical position affects me emotionally too. The Bible is filled with references to people looking up and "setting their minds on things ABOVE". Even Jesus looked up when He prayed just before He called out, " Lazarus! Come forth!" (John 11)

So make a conscious effort to remember to look up this week as you watch for Jesus in your everyday life, your circumstances (however hard they may be), and in the sky, as we wait for Him to come and "snatch us up" so that "where I am you will also be." (John 14)

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21)

Actually, ALL of Luke 21 is Jesus telling His followers what to watch for just before He returns. Here is the LINK. Why not read it for yourself?

LINK Luke 21 KJV Bible Gateway.

  REAL Women of Canada is THE place to get at the heart of the main issues facing Canadian Christians, Conservatives, women and anyone else that cares about Canada and keeping it free and EVERYONE having the same rights. 

LINK REAL Women of Canada

Speaking the Truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

When I was searching for the LGBTQ Wristwatch image I noticed the majority of them had the watches set for just after 10:00. I'm sure they have a reason for that. It is too prevalent to be merely random. But God has His own reasons and told me to go to Isaiah 10. Once again, it is "spookily" relevant in regards to the topic of this post.

"1 Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!

And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?" (Isaiah 10:1-3)

Without me they shall bow down under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this, his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still. (Isaiah 10:4)

No matter who we are or what we do, God's love is greater and more far-reaching. Even if that means being demonstrated in chastisement. Something to ponder.

Please Share this if you can. Sometimes now when I hit the "Post" button on Twitter or Facebook it just won't do it and gives me the message, "Cannot post this." and I am done. Or so the enemy thinks. 😉

LINK to ALL of Isaiah 10

PS. Not exactly the "shorter" post I was planning. Well. I gotta be me! 🥴