Thursday, October 29, 2020

"Trippin'" to the Finish Line

I realize that many people, including myself, are enduring a great deal of hardship right now. But, at the risk of sounding insensitive, I won't be on the earth to endure the truly horrible times of the "Tribulation". 

Even better than that truth is that I won't be here because I will be physically with Jesus. That makes me excited! In view of that I have been inspired to pen a little "ditty" I have nick-named the "Rapture Rap". I share it with you so you can also share in my excitement.

"You make known to me the path of life;

    you will fill me with joy in your presence,

    with eternal pleasures at your right hand."

PSALM 16:11

(*Add your own beat-box sounds)

 Outta Here

 God's Word is clear

We will be

Raptured outta here

The Lord is near

Soon to be

Raptured outta here

No need to fear

Gonna be

Raptured outta here

I was here

But Laura-Lee (is)

Raptured outta here

A SHOUT I hear

It is He

I'm Raptured outta h

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Final Days Watch: Week Beginning October 26


This one may surprise you considering these days of chaos and urgency we are living in. But next to watching for the imminent return of Jesus we should be watching out for ... ourselves.

I was looking into false prophets and false Christs and ended up viewing a documentary on Jim Jones and his almost 1,000 followers who took their own lives and the lives of their innocent children in 1978. It was the first time I had ever heard of someone claiming they were Jesus. (Unfortunately, it wasn't the last time I would hear of such a thing). I was wondering how intelligent people, many of them who had previously been church-goers and Bible readers, could be led to such extremes.

I think a major clue is found in the statement of one survivor. "At one point I was so tired and so lacking in sleep that I would have willingly fallen to my knees in front of Reverend Jones and given him anything if he would have just let me sleep."

Being overworked, with lack of sleep, isolated from loved ones, no free time, no quiet time, and not allowed to read the Bible on their own allowed Jim Jones to completely control them. And in most cases, they were not just physically controlled, but mentally and emotionally too. People watched their spouses and children being whipped and tortured and "disciplined" and thought it was the "right thing for them".

Jesus warns us in places in the Bible like Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that in these " last days" many will come proclaiming to be the Christ and will "deceive many". That's part of the reason I urge and encourage you each week to follow the fourth commandment and take a day of quiet and rest. When we lack sleep we simply cannot make good decisions and many times will distort the basic facts of a situation. When I am faced with any major decision I always "sleep on it" if at all possible. Haven't you ever faced what you think is a major problem that you can't think of a solution to at the end of a long and tiring day only to wake up the next morning and suddenly be able to see the answer so clearly?

Right now we are facing unprecedented times where our decisions are many, confusing, life-threatening, and daily. What a recipe for disaster! I believe God's goal with the fourth commandment (and ultimately all of them) is not to get extra attention and glory for Himself, but because He so deeply loves us and knows what is best for us. During these "final days" of life on earth with Jesus literally ready to come back for those who love Him at any moment, day or night, it can be a hugely stressful time to be living (to say the least).  But we simply CANNOT go into the fetal position, rock ourselves, and chant "Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming."

"Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it, thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." (Exodus 20:9-11)

We must make sure to:

Eat right.

Get plenty of rest and sleep.

MAKE the time to be completely alone and quiet. No TV, internet, music or people.

Do not completely isolate yourself either.

 You may need to make an extra effort if you live alone but you need more than emails, tweets, and text messages. You need to hear a human voice and interact with them. Pick up the phone, do a conference call, Skype someone, participate in a webinar, or Zoom meeting. But find a way where you are personally interacting with someone.

Find a wholesome, creative diversion. 

I don't mean just "vegging" in front of the TV. Do something you enjoy. 

Draw, color, or paint. Take up photography. Learn a new language or skill. Participate in an online course on a topic that interests you. Host a Zoom meeting to read a book out loud (the free version allows you up to 100 people for 40 minutes). Cook or bake something. Try wood carving. Jewelry making. Needle crafts (embroidery, crocheting, knitting, sewing). Write a song.

 The list is endless. As long as it's something you love to do and there is no pressure involved (ie. You aren't doing it to make money or have to get it done quickly).

And take time DAILY to get alone with God. Jesus did this too. And if He thought it was necessary to do it at His time and place I guarantee it is for us too. Allow the Holy Spirit to encourage you, boost you, and love you directly, and through His word the Bible. 

When you take the time to care for yourselves properly you will be able to weather any storm, will make good and sound decisions, and have nothing to fear no matter what comes your way. The stakes have never been higher but these times are not only fearsome but exciting too.

My love and prayers for you.

Speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

The same chart I was given in grade 5 in 1976 which has been the foundation of my diet choices ever since. (Oops! I did it again. 🙆🏻‍♀️)

YOUTUBE LINK "Deceived - the Jonestown Tragedy"

Friday, October 23, 2020

Before I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Another day is over in my Canadian time zone and I'm heading to bed, but before I shut down and sign off I have to say this AGAIN!

 For FORTY YEARS I've been watching for the literal return of Jesus Christ, but I have not spoken out because the signs around weren't completely accurate yet. But now it's not just probable within my lifetime, it is IMMINENT at ANY moment of ANY day (or night). And I am NOT the only one who sees this and it's not merely because of the Coronavirus. All the events happening around us were written down exactly and precisely in the Bible thousands of years ago. But the millions of us worldwide who believe the Bible is true are shocked to see how FAST Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled.

I WISH I could tell you it's all going to get better, things will get back to normal, and the years directly ahead will be great, but I have promised to tell you the truth. And the truth is that COVID-19 is small in comparison to what is coming next. Just pick up a Bible and start reading Revelation. Actually, you need to pick up a Bible and start reading anywhere! I personally recommend you start with one of the books that tell you the story of Jesus if you've never read a Bible before. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Things are NOT going to get better. In fact, they are going to get much, MUCH worse.

So where is the "comfort" in what I'm saying? 

God has told us these events ahead of time so we can be "prepared not scared". He has made an escape and that escape is God Himself. It all revolves around God sending His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross because Him dying there pays the "death penalty" we have earned from our life of sin here.

What you need to know from the Bible is:

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27)

And if you have convinced yourself you are not that bad a person, God has no problem with your sins, and He will just wink at them, then you had better take another look at the Ten Commandments. That is HIS standard by which He will judge you. Breaking just one commandment is enough to sentence you to death. FOREVER. Welcome to the perfect standard of HOLY, ALMIGHTY GOD! 

Yet, He loves us so much He made a way for us to overcome this awful death sentence. But you must first repent. Repent isn't just being "sorry", it means to actually "turn away" from your sins and former way of life. 

Please surrender your life to Jesus. Put Him in complete charge over you and He will actually come and live inside of you. At that point, you start a relationship with Him. He will not only pay the penalty for your sins but also grant you eternal life and fulfill this wonderful promise,

"Do not be afraid or terrified [because of them], for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

This truth has been proven to me so many times throughout my life that I have NO fear about my circumstances or future when fear is all I used to have before I met Jesus.

I know that's a LOT to take in and I don't want you to suddenly jump at this most important decision based solely on fear, but I have promised to tell you the truth and the truth is time is very short. Very bad days are ahead and I needed to tell you what is happening because I may not be here much longer. I just couldn't leave without laying it all out for you because I love you. And even more than wanting you to escape the "Tribulation" to come, I don't want you to miss out on knowing Jesus personally. He is not some dead teacher from old stories, He is the resurrected Lord of  Life itself. He conquered death when He burst out of His grave three days AFTER being dead and will come and live inside of you. He will give you a new spiritual life now and a new eternal body in the next one. These are just a few of the promises God makes to us in the Bible. 

So do you begin to understand why I am always encouraging and urging you to get a Bible and read it?  It's not about getting "religious" and going to church, it's about becoming God's child and all the wonderful things that includes and entitles us to. All of it as an unmerited GIFT from God to the Children He loves. You do not want to miss out on that. I don't want you to miss out on it. And I KNOW Jesus doesn't want you to miss out on what He has planned for you, because it's not merely better than the life you are living, it's the BEST life you could possibly have! And that is my prayer for you as lay my head down this night.

Please think about these things I've told you about. But don't put off choosing Jesus too long, because time is a luxury nobody has anymore.

Whatever comes next for you, I'm speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

 "Day is done, O Precious Son

Look down upon your little one

Light of lights, hold me this night

Rest in me, Thy Presence bright.

I have no fear, You are here

I love you, Jesus, kind and dear.

I may just be, Your Laura-Lee

I offer up, all you set free.

Asleep I'll be, With my MONTY

Dreaming your face, I will see."  LLR

Me and MONTY

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Final Days Watch: Week Beginning October 20th


Top 10 Oil Producers

4. Canada

"Canada holds the fifth spot among the world's leading oil producers, with an average production of 5.50 million b/d in 2019, accounting for 5% of global production.1 According to the EIA International Energy Outlook 2019, Canada's production could double by 2050, rising 126%, topping growth from any of the other non-OPEC countries. This increase is expected to come primarily from oil sands production, one of the costliest ways to extract crude. However, technological advancements are bringing down costs significantly.6

Canada's main sources of oil production are the oil sands of Alberta, the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, and Atlantic offshore fields."

Top 10 Oil Exporters 2019

4. Canada

The northernmost nation in North America, Canada is the world's fourth-largest exporter of oil. In 2018, the country exported $66.9 billion worth of the commodity or 5.9%. Due to the size of the Athabasca oil sands, it is estimated that Canada has more than 10% of the world's oil reserves.


Top World Wheat Producers

7. Canada (29,984,200 Tonnes)

Wheat is the most important crop grown in Canada, and several varieties of wheat are cultivated here. These include winter wheat, dark northern spring wheat (DNS wheat), and durum wheat. The wheat grains are used for several purposes, such as generating flour for the bakery industry and for use as feed for livestock. Saskatchewan is the topmost DNA and durum wheat producing region in Canada (55% of total DNS wheat and 76% of durum produced here), followed by Alberta (26% of DNS wheat production and 18% of durum). Ontario, meanwhile, accounts for 82% of total winter wheat production in Canada.

"Post-Apocalyptic Destruction of the Tar Sands: Alberta from Above"

"There always seems to hint at a larger symbolic meaning hidden in the mundane. By photographing from above, MacLean shows the sequences and patterns of human activity, including the scope of our impact on natural systems. His work reminds us of the law of proximity: the things closest to us are often the hardest to see."


New International Version Bible

"Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, 'Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages, and six pounds of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!'" (Revelation 6:6)

Maybe the news media, social media, and Christian ministries ignore Canada's international significance and role in Bible prophecy, but I guarantee that the world, its governments and God do not. You should know what is going on in Canada during these final days

And continue to watch for the Rapture, destruction of Damascus and Invasion of Israel from Russia, Turkey, Iran and their allies from Ezekiel 38.

Speaking the Truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

Mule Deer in Alberta Wheat Field

Wheat Germ Oil ?????

First Post of "Final Days Watch" was posted at my personal blog. Here is a Link so you can see what you missed. LL

Final Days Watch: week Beginning October 17th

Remember to sign up for "Follow by Email" if you wish to be notified of upcoming posts. See the right column.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Who are the Countries in Ezekiel 38 Invasion?


Here comes the invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38

I wish I could take my time and get this post all perfect but events are simply moving too quickly.  God had me turn on my tablet at around 3:00 am and I discovered that many of my contacts from around the world and around the internet that notify me "as it happens" have for the second day given me a long list that shows all the countries listed below are now primed to take part in the invasion. I'd much rather be in my bed asleep, but the middle east doesn't run on North American time and I'm pretty sure these countries are NOT going to halt their plans simply because I need my beauty sleep.

What you also need to understand is that God is not going to let one prophetic event run it's course before another one starts. We are not going to conquer COVID-19 before He starts up the other events. Many things are going to happen overlapping or simultaneously and we have run out of time. 

I've got a lot of things to tell you and the best I can do is give you the basics and let you go and discover the truth for yourself. In the long run that is the best way. Seeking the truth, thinking for yourselves, and going directly to the Lord for answers. Actually I would tell you that BEFORE you read anyone's interpretation of events (including my own) you read the particular place in Scripture FIRST and ask the Lord directly what He wants to tell you.

One of the major events of the Final Days which is imminent is the invasion of Israel by several countries. The Bible describes this invasion in extreme detail in Ezekiel 38. The main thing you need to know to unlock the contents of this invasion spoken of is the modern names of the countries mentioned. When that is done, then it will be as if you are directly reading the lastest news.


"Gog" is not a country but rather the title for Governor or Ruler. Therefore the "Gog of Magog" means the ruler of  Magog.

COUNTRIES: Ezekiel Name/Modern Name

(These are the Countries to Watch for In the News)

Magog = Russia

Meshek =Russia/Turkey

Tubal = Russia/Turkey

Persia = Iran

Cush = Ethiopia

Put = Libya

Gomer = Turkey

Togarmah = Turkey

Ethiopia = Sudan

Libya = Libya

Sheba = Saudi Arabia

Dedan = Saudi Arabia

Merchants of Tarshish = Europe    (possibly North America because it is peopled with mostly people who came from Europe, but that's just speculation right now)

Those are the main invaders of Israel and players in this scenario. Israel is shown as enjoying a time of prosperity and peace and the invading countries, in desperate situations because of civil unrest and extreme financial problems get together to invade Israel primarily to take her wealth.

They will be motivated by God to do this. 

"I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws and bring you out with your whole army."

The other nations will watch but nobody will come to Israel's aid for a very good reason; God wants to use the opportunity to show that He and He alone is miraculously saving His people Israel.

"there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel

We Are Launched


Several months ago when COVID-19 was a brand new thing and expected to be over in "a few weeks" I knew it wouldn't be and decided to create this blog in order for it to be a place of comfort primarily for Canadians. And so it sat here through these months as life moved on and times changed very rapidly. We have seen the "Black Lives Matter" movement descend and mass chaos in its wake, the escalating of international tensions, a world economy in turmoil beyond imagination, the closing down of the entire world as we "self-isolate" in our homes, and the historic signing of the "Abraham Accords". All these things signify the same thing. Bible Prophecy of the "Final Days" of planet Earth are being fulfilled at last.

 I began watching for these events in 1980 when I picked up my Bible and read the book of Revelation. Then I read another book which was a bestseller at the time called, "The Late, Great, Planet Earth" by Hal Lindsey. I have watched world events change throughout these four decades and never felt compelled to say anything because world events never matched the Bible Prophecies exactly. And since I believe that God knows all and the entire Bible is His revelation to mankind, if the events were "off" then the time was not yet right. Or should I say ripe.

  “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door." (Matthew 24:32-33)

In 1948, with Israel becoming a nation, all Christians who believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God from cover to cover, knew that this was the starting point for these events. Now the events in our world are unfolding exactly as the Bible stated thousands of years ago and are being fulfilled at a very fast rate. Not years apart, not even months apart but rather weeks and sometimes only days apart. 

I also noticed that although Canada is right next to the United States of America and enjoys a close relationship with her, we are very different people with a unique perspective and sensibilities. We are enduring things quite differently in both events and attitudes, but Bible Prophecy from a Canadian perspective seems to be almost completely ignored in the media and on the internet. With that in mind I went to pray and discovered that God had a task for me. To take the knowledge I have gleaned from the Bible and watching world events through all these years and simply share it with you. As a Christian and as a Canadian.

And so this little blog has taken on a much larger role than I had ever expected. But I am hoping that the main reason that I started it will continue to be its main goal, because I believe to bring comfort is one of God's main purposes in Bible prophecy in the first place. He has informed of us these events ahead of time so that we will not be frightened when they come.

His other purpose is to bring every person into an intimate relationship with Himself which can only be done through accepting the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross two thousand years ago. There is no greater comfort than that and no safer place.

I discovered Jesus was available to me for this intimate relationship back in 1978 and in my desperation I surrendered my life to Him and have never taken it back. And in response to this God has never left or forsaken me. 

 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)

So it with this in mind and with a holy commission I have dedicated myself to daily listening to Jesus, to tell you what I know based on the Bible and to pray that you will find all the comfort you need to get you through the days ahead, no matter what they may bring. 

Sincerely, Laura-Lee

P.S. I encourage you to read my "About Me" section and also visit my personal blog. 

And take a moment to sign up for "Follow by Email" if you wish to be informed of any new posts.

LINK Laura-Lee Was Here (Personal Blog)