Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Final Days Watch: Week Beginning February 1, 2021


Once again I'm not going to ask you to watch out for something that is a specific prophetic event but something more foundational.

It has come to my increasing attention and my great distress just how, dare I say it, lazy and unconcerned people are when it comes to discovering the truth. They seem content to believe what they hear on the news, what they see in social media and follow what everyone else believes. Even when they discover these things are bogus, erroneous, and out and out lies, they shake it off with an "oh well, everyone lies" mentality, then go straight back to the same places and people for their information.

What is fascinating and ironic is this is exactly what the Bible says would happen as yet another sign that we are in the Final Days. The Bible says that people will not wish to hear any sound doctrine or thinking and their interest in anything to do with Bible Prophecy (which makes up one third of the Bible) will "fall away".

 If the visitors to my blogs is any indication, that is definitely happening. I was getting hundreds of people viewing each post, but the moment I declared that I believe we had arrived in the Last Days of the earth that amount dropped to a couple dozen.

For myself, I couldn't care less about the numbers, but I do worry that so many people are simply not willing to even explore the topic. We are living in unprecedented times. People's livelihood, families, lives and eternal souls are on the line, but people are responding with a "ho-hum" or "don't bother me" attitude. 

I want to urge and plead with you once again. The truth may be much more difficult to find and buried beneath layers of lies but you NEED to KNOW it.

Jesus (who is everywhere, knows everything and is all-powerful, and all-loving) is ready to have a one-on-one talk with you, if only you will take the time to listen. How many of you are doing that? What is it you have going on that is more important? How much time each day have you set aside just to be quiet and spend time alone with Jesus and reading the Bible? It is still the main way He communicates with us.

Dig, search, and hunt for the facts. 

Explore the possibilities.  Throw away assumptions and use your power of reason. And especially question and examine EVERYTHING people tell you. Including me! Otherwise you will be duped and deceived and have to endure intense suffering and pay horrible consequences that are beyond your imagination. And mine.

I have never heard Jesus talk to me so plainly and loudly as He has in these last two years. He has opened up to me an understanding of the Bible above and beyond anything I have ever experienced before in my previous forty years of studying it.

COVID-19 is merely a walk in the park compared to what is to come. He said it was coming literally thousands of years ago. All of it recorded in the Bible just waiting for you to read and Him to reveal to you. The truth, which I vowed before God to give to you, is readily available. Just get a Bible (dozens of FREE apps available) and start to read. You cannot afford to ignore it. 

But as I pray in my frustration, amazement and sorrow, watching so many, many people walk blindly and willingly toward their doom, Jesus tells me these things:

I cannot walk your path, live your life or work out your faith for you. I can only tell you what I know, hope you will discover these things for yourself, and pray God's mercy on your soul because, Brothers and Sisters, you are SO going to need it for what is just around the corner!

But as for me, I know the way, know the truth and know what is coming next. I am well prepared and therefore not at all scared. It is my deep desire that you will be able to make that statement for yourselves. And sooner than later. Time is a luxury you simply have run out of.

Speaking the truth, with love,

Always, Laura-Lee

"Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains." (Emphasis Mine)

 (Matthew 24:3-8) NIV


(LINKS BELOW are to help you begin your search. They are meant only as a starting point. I do not vouch for their accuracy, only that I watch/read them myself)

LINK EPoch Times (Canadian Edition)

LINK Newsmax

LINK Olive Tree Views News (Jan Markell)

LINK ABC News (Australia Broadcasting Corp)

*NOTE: Often the best way to get at the truth is to listen to many different view points and sources, including those directly opposed to what you believe. It can be VERY eye-opening to know what the "other side" believes. LL

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." 

 (John 14:6) Berean (Emphasis mine)

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