Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Bible Truth vs New Age Lies



The Times we now live in are referred to by the New Age Movement as "The Age of Aquarius". And to push their beliefs and agenda they came out with a really catchy pop tune in the 1970s of the same name, by a group called "The 5th Dimension".๐Ÿคจ


"When the moon is in the Seventh House

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

Then peace will guide the planets

And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

Harmony and understanding

Sympathy and trust abounding

No more falsehoods or derisions

Golden living dreams of visions

Mystic crystal revelation

And the mind's true liberation

Aquarius! Aquarius!

Let the sun shine, 

The sun shine in …"

I remember being a little girl and dancing around the house to this song when it came on the radio. The Future sounded so wonderful. I couldn't wait for it to happen.

But now, as I look around at how reality has played out, I'm not feeling the love.๐Ÿ˜’

On the other hand, when I became a Born-Again Christian a few years later and started reading the Bible, it told me these End Times would be filled with,

"Wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24)

"Lawlessness" (2 Thessalonians 2)

People would be "lovers of self" (2 Timothy 3:2) and that the "love of most would grow cold".

WHAT?! That's horrible! Who wants to hear that?!๐Ÿ˜ณ

The thing is, the Bible told the Truth and the New Age movement fed me a bunch of Lies. Even though I didn't always like what the Bible said, I didn't understand much of it at the time and a LOT of it I found scary, I knew it was telling the Truth and that's what I wanted and NEEDED to know, even if it was difficult to face at times.

Now it's four decades later and, because I know the Truth of what is going on and what is to come, I'm not afraid.

But those who accepted the Lies, because it made them feel better are left confused and afraid.

But the good news is it's not too late! You can pick up a Bible (or download a Bible app) and start reading it OR

 continue to be immature and deluded and find yourself in all sorts of heaps of trouble.

"Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites rallied to him." (Exodus 32:35-36)

And if you are NOT on the "Lord’s side" and refusing to read the Bible, then you are "backing the wrong horse" and it will have consequences for your immediate future and throughout Eternity.

If you wish to know more about Bible Prophecy and what is coming next, then go to,  Matthew, chapter 24, where Jesus gives us "the straight scoop" and lays out the basic timeline and events of what we are currently living through, without "packing any punches".

(Remember, the Bible is actually 66 small books put together in one volumn.)

The Truth with Love, 

 Always Laura-Lee 

LINK 2 Timothy 3

LINK Revelation 6 (Description of the Four Horsemen)

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